📢 What's New: Version 3.0.33 is now live! Check out the latest changelog for feature updates and improvements.

 Order / View

If you are an administrator, manager or admin user with the right permissions, you probably already enjoyed the new design and layout of the order preview page.

With this redesign our goal was to put the important data in focus, for easier access and management.

New layout is now separated into sections that holds general order data, cart items, customer info, user's activity log and new feature that will be described in the following text: Source & Referrer


Orders / Source & Referrer

 For the explanation purposes let's say that you have an eCommerce business. You are selling products on your website, Android or iOS app and that you are using all forms of digital marketing.

Example 1: Mobile app user buys a product that he saw on the retargeting campaign advertised on Facebook. He is using a mobile device. For this purchase ReadyCMS will notify you with the following:

Source: android-app://com.google.android.gm
Referrer: m.facebook.com

Example 2: Website user purchased the same product, but he saw the product while searching Google.

Source: Website
Referrer: google.com

Referrer can also be any other website that acts like a referral.

Enjoy these new features and stay put, there will be more goodies like this one!

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