📢 What's New: Version 3.0.41 is now live! Check out the latest changelog for feature updates and improvements.

Version 2.0.03 - Comments & Reviews

This is a major update and included new functionality of ReadyCMS. In this update we are releasing full control and management for the comments and reviews functionality.


  • Comments and reviews can be managed separately for each custom content type or eCommerce
  • Links to comments and reviews for each content type can be enabled or disabled in the content type settings page


  • Data for both comments and reviews are including author, email, content, status, created, and published date, along with the user's IP and user's agent data
  • Each comment/review is also linked to the content that the content is made for
  • Each review can be rated numerically and including numbers 1-5  


  • API endpoint for comments and reviews is added. Consider checking the developers documentation for further instructions

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