📢 What's New: Version 3.0.41 is now live! Check out the latest changelog for feature updates and improvements.

Version 2.0.02 - Maintenance & Updates

This version contains minor performance updates for the admin, new features and one major update.


Performance updates (Admin)

This version update is focused on performance of the administrative panel.

  • Removed redundant requests.
  • Minified and combined CSS & JS files. 
  • More than 30 requests are removed from the average page load.

Updates (Admin)

  • Notification bubble added. Displays a number of other (not yours) activities in between your last login. Allows administrators to be notified on latest activities.

Version 2.0.02-0

  • Offline status detection added. If your device is not connected to the internet, you will get the alert.

  • Content types; New visual changes for adding a content type are in place, with predefined types for easier content management.

  • Content types - Forms (major); Forms are a new major update regarding the content types that allow collecting and management of the contact information.

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