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Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract and retain customers. But, it can also be a challenge to create, manage and promote all that content effectively.

Here are 3 tips for improving your content creation and management:

Plan Ahead

If your company produces content for a specific audience, you need to understand their needs and how they want to consume it. For example, if you have an e-commerce brand that sells office supplies, the majority of your audience might be working professionals. These types of people are busy, so they’re going to want easy access to your content in whatever format works best for them—whether that means watching a video or reading an article on LinkedIn Pulse.

The quality of the content is more important than its quantity—so don't be afraid of investing in research to ensure that what you're creating is valuable. You can also create a plan around when and where the most appropriate times are for posting new pieces of work; this will help ensure that your audience has access whenever they need it (and will hopefully lead them back again!).

When creating content plans for yourself or others who are responsible for managing digital marketing at work, remember: any task can be made easier when broken down into smaller chunks! By breaking down large projects into achievable steps with deadlines (even self-imposed ones), it's much easier not only to know what needs doing but also to get started right away on accomplishing them!"

Set yourself up for success by creating clear goals.

Setting yourself up for success by creating clear goals is one of the most important steps in content creation and management. You can't know whether or not your content is successful unless you have a clear idea of what that success looks like.

Setting goals helps you stay focused on what's important so that you don't waste time on unnecessary tasks and activities.

Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART). For example: "I will write an article about how to improve email marketing" versus "I want to do better with email marketing". The first goal is smarter because it has been broken down into a specific actionable item (write an article) that can easily be measured (how many visitors did I get from this new piece?). Having clear goals makes them easier to attain as well; instead of saying “do better with email marketing” maybe say something like “increase signups from 10% per month to 20% per month” or “triple clickthroughs for blog posts about X topic by December 31st” or even just set a daily quota for yourself each day (e.g., publish 2 articles).

Organize Your Data

The organization is key to any successful content creation strategy. You want to be able to find the right pieces of content when you need them, and having an organized system in place will make that easier. There are many different ways to organize your data, but having a good system for managing it is essential. When you aren’t sure where something is, or if it even exists at all, it can be hard to get back into creating quality new content.

There are many different ways to organize your data, but having a good system in place will make that easier. When you aren’t sure where something is, or if it even exists at all, it can be hard to get back into creating quality new content.

How do you find content that resonates with your audience?

  • Listen to your audience.

  • Analyze what content is popular in your industry.

  • Use social media to find out what people are talking about.

  • Use forums and message boards to see what questions people are asking, and then answer these questions on your website or blog!

Know Your Content Goals

  • Know your content goals.

Knowing what you want your website to achieve is essential. Are you hoping to increase conversions, drive traffic, or increase brand awareness? While these are all valid reasons for creating content, it's essential to know why so that you can measure the results of each piece of content and eventually tie them back into the larger goal.

  • Be consistent in branding.

Branding is a powerful tool that involves not just how your business looks but also how it acts online through its interactions with customers (and potential customers). To maintain consistency across all channels—whether social media or email marketing—it’s critical that each piece of content matches the tone set by previous pieces of marketing material as well as how employees talk about their own company in person or over email.

Develop A Calendar

In addition to the content calendar, you should also create a promotion calendar. This will help you keep track of what needs to be published and when, and it will also give you an easy way to plan your marketing efforts.


There are many key points to remember when writing and editing content. It is important to be clear, concise, and engaging. If your content is not readable by the audience you are trying to reach, it will not be effective in achieving its goal. The next time you write something for a blog post or even an email to a client keep these tips in mind!