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You know that testimonials are important for your business. You see them on other people's websites, and you think to yourself, "I need to get some of those!" But why are they so crucial? And what can you do to get more of them and make sure they are effective? This post will answer all of these questions and more!

Why are testimonials so important?

Testimonials are a form of social proof, which means that they can help boost the confidence and trust of your website visitors. They also act as a third-party endorsement, which is especially helpful if you're running an affiliate or network marketing business.

But what's most important about testimonials is that they can help increase conversions on your website—you know this because we've proven in previous articles (like our study on how to make great landing pages) that adding video testimonials to landing pages increases conversion rates.

How can you get more testimonials?

To get more testimonials, you must be proactive about it. Don't be afraid to ask for them. Don't be afraid to ask for testimonials from people who are not your customers and have never used your product or service before.

Ask anyone and everyone who has had a positive experience with your company or services! If you don't ask for them, you won't receive them!

What do you need to do with your testimonials?

The most common places to use your testimonials on your website are in the footer, sidebar, and homepage.

You can also include them in email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and advertisements.

You can include them in newsletters too!

They look great when printed on business cards.


In conclusion, testimonials are an important part of your business. They show that you’re doing great work and can help you get more clients. A good testimonial is like a business card or advertisement for your company: it shows potential customers what kind of service they’ll receive from working with you. That way, when someone is looking for someone to do some work for them - whether that be a house cleaning service or web design company - they know who will give them the best quality at an affordable price!